Avraham Society | Humanistic Judaism
Avraham Society

Humanistic Judaism

Humanism is a focus on action instead of wishful thinking and an occupation with the affairs and general welfare of humankind.

Our Humanism is based on promoting peace and harmony between peoples and nations. It is also service oriented where we seek to be of assistance to the Jewish communities of the MENA region.

We respect all recognized faiths and denominations and tolerate belief or lack thereof. We affirm and appreciate the diversity of humankind across many cultures and traditions as we stand firmly against ethnocentrism and all forms of discrimination.

Furthermore, we value individual liberty including the freedoms of expression, belief, association, movement, trade, and choice along with other liberal values and human rights.

Judaism is an Abrahamic religion of diverse opinions. It encourages learning, has universalist and particularist features, and pursues the perfection of the world and mankind.

Judaism is the collective heritage of the Jewish people and associated with it one can find Jewish culture, history, religion, and languages.

Being an enthno-religion it is also an ethnicity and has a focus on the land of Israel along with the diaspora.

Shabbat (the day of rest), Pesach (which is connected to freedom), Sukkot (festival of booths), and Shavuot (which is connected to receiving the Torah) are important festivals in Judaism along with Yom Kippur (which is connected to repentance)

The Avraham Society seeks to raise awareness about Judaism in all of its unique facets with an emphasis on Judaism’s universalist perspectives and its cultural elements.

We believe in an inclusive Judaism which affirms humanitarian values and is at peace with the abrahamic/semitic religions and cultures.

Our focus in Judaism is primarily on secular worldly/humanistic matters namely the concept of Tikkun Olam (fixing the world) along with values such as equality and Social Justice.

Our humanism is apolitical and doesn’t discriminate based on belief, ethnicity, nationality, sex, orientation, race, etc. To us all humans are inherently equal.

We celebrate Judaism’s cultural diversity and acknowledge that Jews come from many cultures.

There is no way to look Jewish, rather Jews have a variety of customs and traditions from all over the world.

Our focus is on Kuwaiti Jews and their heritage namely in Kuwait and abroad and the Mizrahi culture in general.

We do not privilege one tradition over another rather we connect with the heritage of our lands and seek to accommodate a plurality of traditions in our members to connect with the wider Jewish world.

Kuwait has a special place in our hearts given that our initiative was based on it and on serving its Jewish community.

However as humanists our vision is worldwide and our concern reflects many cultures both Jewish and non-Jewish.

We seek to promote a safe space where differences are understood and respected. This is a community to celebrate humanity as a whole with a focus on Judaism and preserving Mizrahi culture.

The Avraham Society is the first modern Humanistic and Cultural initiative that is based on and representing the Jewish Community of Kuwait in all its denominations.

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