Avraham Society | Statement of Solidarity and Values
Avraham Society

Statement of Solidarity and Values

We are a Kuwait based international community of Arab Jews. Our beliefs officially align with Secular and Humanistic Judaism. We are a venue dedicated to Arab Jew and patrilineal Jew solidarity and development specifically and respect Sephardim and Mizrahim as separate identities.

Our main values are anti-authoritarianism, freedom of choice, respect of human dignity, freedom of information, unconditional love to those struggling for our causes, acceptance and tolerance.

Our main objectives include supporting the struggles of those fighting against gender and sex discrimination, Indigenous peoples, the economically disadvantaged, Non Normative judaisms (including Yahwists, and Canaanites), and non Jews who want to learn about the inner aspects of Judaism such as Kabbalah.

We are dedicated towards hosting and supporting practitioners of Judaism and Non-Jews connected to the Jewish people, Jewish culture, YHWH, or Torah even if it’s a vague and slight connection or heritage (like DNA percentages).

We also value the presence of those who study Jewish cultures and have mystical philosophies related or similar to early or modern Judaism. This is a place for Jews to focus on their identity and rediscover themselves.

Non-Jews who are in a relationship with Jews are welcome. We support intermarriage and see it as a positive expression of humanism and the destruction of Anti-Semitism.

Although we are apolitical we condemn violence against Arabs and Jews. We support the right of Palestinians to live with human dignity in Palestine and condemn anti-semitism. The flag of Palestine and the Palestinian cause represent Arabs regardless of religion and shed a light on the growing Anti-Arabism and Islamophobia in the world at large along with double standards and the politicization of human rights such as pink washing against non western countries.

We affirm our solidarity with Jews and Arabs whether patrilineal or matrilineal, native or cultural, religious or secular.

The Avraham Society is the first modern Humanistic and Cultural initiative that is based on and representing the Jewish Community of Kuwait in all its denominations.

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